Exciting Boxing

Exciting Boxing - Nintendo NES

Exciting Boxing was a game for the Famicom which had an interesting gimmick of sorts: a life-size inflatable boxer with built-in sensors that you used to play this game with. The game itself is very simple, in that there is either a training mode or a fighting (VS) mode. You train up to become strong and to build up your character, and then go into the fights in VS mode to clobber your opponents. The game itself is rather short since there are only seven regular fights, so chances are you will spend most of your time in this game training for them. The only drawback is that a password system is used, and the passwords are 20 characters long! Nonetheless, if you can get ahold of this game somehow, even if just for the experience of beating up an inflatable boxer, this may be worth a shot!

Note : 0/5

Year : 1987

Genre : Sports

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